5 research outputs found

    Desain Aplikasi B2b Sistem Manajemen Pergudangan dalam Penunjang Keputusan Bisnis

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    Warehousing data processing based on products entering and leaving the expedition in Super Tata Raya Steel companies has several obstacles in the delivery of information. Data management carried out by the warehouse section of the company is still manual, especially in terms of the recording and bookkeeping system of product receipts and shipments. In dealing with these problems, this research uses several stages among observation, analysis, planning and design methods with object-oriented approaches that use UML (Unified Modeling Language). So that this research can develop it into a system design in the form of web-based applications using the PHP and MySQL programming languages. The existence of a new system aims to support business-to-business between the expedition services with the company and to reduce the occurrence of errors during warehousing data processing then data management becomes faster and more accurate so that the resulting report is in accordance with the existing data. Therefore, this research can be used as a support for the leadership\u27s decision in determining business patterns in the warehousing sector, so management of company services become effective and efficien

    Implementation System of Business Intelligence System In The Company

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    This study aims to determine the stages that must be implemented in building a Business Intelligence System structured and appropriate in building Business Intelligence Systems in an organization, and understand the important aspects that must be considered for investment development Business Intelligence System is increasing. Business must be based on the conditions and needs of the organization in achieving the desired goals. If these conditions occur, then the decision-making process will be better and more accurate. The purpose of this study is to determine the important aspects that must be understood and prepared in using the Business Intelligence System in an organization. The method used is the explanation as well as the research library of several books, articles and other literature